Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hmmm Shall We Try This Again?

It's been 4 years since I've started on YouTube, my channel has definitely had it's ups and downs. I've often struggled to keep uploading fresh content on a regular basis. Will this year be any different?

I genuinely hope not!

I've gotten more personal with my YouTube channel in hopes of connecting and helping others who struggle like I do with occasional depression and anxiety. I plan on bringing more of that part of me to my blog.

Some days it's too hectic with the kids schedule or my anxiety to film, so blogging may be a way to release some of that and keep up with beauty posts. My hope is to post once a week....haha we shall see how that goes!!

Well that's it for tonight. I have started ending my YouTube with this message and I'll leave it with you...

It's up to us to make each day the best it can be. Try to look for adventures to have each month, they don't have to be travel! If we try to look for the specialness of our lives each month, at the end of the year we can look back on 12 amazing adventures!!